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Friday Favorites – How Is It September Already?

Friday Favorites – How Is It September Already?


So… September showed up already, and once again I totally missed getting to Platform 9 3/4 in time to catch the Hogwarts Express. Hopefully the rest of this month goes better than that!


Me every September 1st


Let’s get into this week’s Friday Favs!

1. The image at the top of this post is from one of my new favorite Instagram accounts to follow, lorynbrantz, who does Jellybean Comics. I’m in love.

2. This might not be  very exciting favorite, but it makes me happy!


I always have about a million different pens handy, so I picked up this cute cup from a thrift shop for 50 cents to keep them a little more organized. Loving it!

3. Now that it’s not eleventy billion degrees, I’ve been spending more time at the lake since it’s only like a mile from my house. I like to go out on Sunday evenings with my notebook to plan out my week, or just stop in around sunset for a short walk and some fresh air.



4. I’ve posted about my love of the Nite Nite Munki Munki sleepwear at Target several times (especially my beloved ocean creature print socks that I lovingly refer to as my Socktopus). They have new designs out, and I kinda need everything! A few favorites:


Bears with Coffee and Donuts, Cats in Space , Giraffes on Scooters and Amazing Hedgehogs. I missed getting a pic, but Parachuting Kittens are also on my must-have list!

AND in case you missed it, Target clothes, shoes and accessories are 25% off until 9/5 with promo code LABOR25! WOOT!

5. It’s officially Pumpkin Spice Latte season, and I’m not mad about it at all. #blessed #basic


Hoping the gorgeous weather holds out and I can make it to a hiking trail this weekend! Fingers crossed!

Friday blog linkup fri-favs